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The Medical-Industrial Complex (pdf)
Another Round of Covid-19 Nonsense (pdf)
What is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist? (pdf)
The 6 + 1 Principles of Hormone Replacement (pdf)
Andropause Brochure (pdf)
Breast Massage
Breaking The Patterns of Depression (pdf)
Compounding from MDNews (pdf)
Changing Habits, Changing Brain (pdf)
Diabetic Foot Cream (pdf)
Dreamweaving (pdf)
Essential Truths About Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (pdf)
Feeling No Pain – Neurobehavioral Pain Management (pdf)
Got Stress? (pdf)
Immune Boosters (pdf)
It’s Ok to Eat Beans. (pdf)
FAQ – Troches and Bio-Identical Hormones (pdf)
Take a Break – Take Control. The New Science of Ultradian Rhythms (pdf)
Hormones in the News (pdf)
Inflamagesic (pdf)
In the Name of Science (pdf)
O’Brien Pharmacy Featured in KC Star (pdf)
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement for Menopause (pdf)
Stop Eating Dairy (pdf)
The Fundamental Big Three (pdf)
Truth about Antacids Part 1 (pdf)
Truth about Antacids Part 2 (pdf)
Truth about Antacids Part 3 (pdf)
Truth about Antacids Part 4 (pdf)

Learning to Thrive in a Toxic World
In the book Learning To Thrive in a Toxic World And the Impact of Clinical Endocrinology and BHRT, A Reference for Healthcare Practitioners and Patients, Lisa Everett Andersen, Holistic Clinical Pharmacist and Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist dispenses a different prescription. This body of work is one practitioner’s attempt to shed some light on these problems and to offer science-based preventative solutions that also come from 40-plus years of private practice and clinical research.
> You can find literature updates to Lisa’s book, Learning to Thrive, on her website

Podcast Appearances
A selection of Lisa Everett Andersen’s podcast appearances:
Main Street Vegan Podcast, June 21, 2017:
A Physician/Farmer & His Pharmacist/Clinical Nutritionist Wife
Main Street Vegan Podcast, August 29, 2013
Everything You Wanted to Know About Hormones but Didn’t Know Whom to Ask
We are Women Empowered Podcast, December 2020
Inspire Health By Jen: Why are my Hormones Out of Whack and How to Heal Them, February 28, 2023 (Apple Music) (Spotify)
Licensed States
O’Brien Pharmacy ships compounded medications nationally and is licensed in 38 states (shaded in darker grey) as well as Washington D.C. We are able to ship our supplements and homeopathic products to any U.S. state / territory.

District of Columbia
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
Did You Know?
This is a representative list and is not meant to be exhaustive. Balanced interpretation of these and other studies is available in many reference books.
- Everett Andersen L. (2020). Learning To Thrive in a Toxic World and the Impact of Clinical Endocrinology and BHRT, A Reference for Healthcare Practitioners and Patients. Traverse City, MI: Mission Point Press
- Arafat E., Hargrove J., Maxson W., Desiderio D., et al. (1988, Nov.). Sedative and Hypnotic Effects of Oral Administration of Micronized Progesterone may be Mediated Through its Metabolites. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 159(5), 1203-09.
- Beaumont V., and Beaumont J. (1981, February 21). Vascular Thrombosis in Synthetic Estrogen-Progestogen Users: An Immune Mechanism. Nouv Press Med, 10(7), 503-07.
- Beaumont V., Delplanque B., Lemort N., Beaumont J., Mann J. (1982). Bood Changes in Sex Steroid Hormone Users. Circulating Immune Complexes Induced by Estrogens and Progestogens and Their Relation to Vascular Thrombosis. Athersclerosis, 44(3), 343-53.
- Casson E., Elkind-Hirsch K., Buster J., Hornsby P., et al. (1997, Dec.). Effect of Postmenopausal Estrogen Replacement on Circulating Androgens. Obstet Gynecol, 90(6), 995-98.
- Cicinelli E., Petruzzi D., Scorcia P., Resta L. (1993, Dec.). Effects of Progesterone Administered by Nasal Spray on the Human Postmenopausal Endometrium. Maturitas, 18(1), 65-72.
- Corson S. (1993, March-April). A Decade of Experience with Transdermal Estrogen Replacement Therapy: Overview of Key Pharmacologic and Clinical Findings. Int J Fertil, 38(2), 79-91.
- de Lignieres B., Dennerstein L., Backstrom T. (1995, April). Influence of Route of Administration on Progesterone Metabolism. Maturitas, 21(3), 251-57.
- Dessole S., Rubattu G., Ambrosini G., Gallo O., et al. (2004, Jan.-Feb.). Efficacy of Low-Dose Intravaginal Estriol on Urogenital Aging in Postmenopausal Women. Menopause, 11(1), 49-56.
- Dubey R., Gillespie D., Jackson E., Keller P. (1998, Jan.). 17B-Estradiol, its Metabolites and Progesterone Inhibit Cardiac Fibroblast Growth. Hypertension, 31(1 Pt 2), 522-28.
- Erenus M., Karakoc B., Gurler A. (2001, Sept.). Comparison of Effects of Continuous Combined Transdermal with Oral Estrogen and Oral Progestogen Replacement Therapies on Serum Lipoproteins and Compliance. Climacteric, 4(3), 228-34.
- Fitzpatrick L., Pace C., Wiita B. (2000, May). Comparison of Regimens Containing Oral Micronized Progesterone or Medroxyprogesterone Acetate on Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women: A Cross-Sectional Survey. J Womens Health Gend Based Med, 9(4), 381-87.
- Follingstad A. (1978, Jan.). Estriol, the Forgotten Estrogen? JAMA, 239(1), 29-30.
- Gavin N., Thorp J., Ohsfeldt R. (2001, Sept.-Oct.). Determinants of Hormone Replacement Therapy Duration Among Postmenopausal Women with Intact Uteri. Menopause, 8(5), 377-83.
- Glasnapp A. (2000, Mar/Apr). Natural Estrogens: A Review of the Primary Literature. Intl J Pharm Compounding, 4(2),110-13.
- Guiliani A., Concin H., Wieser F., Boritsch J., et al. (2000, July). Hormone Replacement Therapy with a Transdermal Estradiol Gel and oral micronized progesterone. Effect on menopausal symptoms and Lipid Metabolism. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 112(14), 629-33.
- Hargrove J., Maxson W., Wentz A., Burnett L. (1989, April). Menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy with Continuous Daily Oral Micronized Estradiol and Progesterone. Obstet Gynecol, 73(4), 606-12.
- Hargrove J., and Osteen K. (1995). An Alternative Method of Hormone Replacement Therapy Using the Natural Sex Steroids. Menopause, 6(4), 653-74.
- Hayashi T., Ito I., Kano H., Endo H., Iguchi A. (2000, April). Estriol (E3) Replacement Improves Endothelial Function and Bone Mineral Density in Very Elderly Women. J Geronotol A Biol Schi Med Sci, 55(4), B183-B90; discussion B191-93.
- Holtorf K. (2009, January). The Bioidentical Hormone Debate: Are Bioidentical Hormones (Estradiol, Estriol, and Progesterone) Safer or More Efficacious Than Commonly Used Synthetic Versions in Hormone Replacement Therapy? Postgrad Med, 121(1), 83-85.
- Karjalainen A., Heikkinen J., Savolainen M., Backstrom A., et al. (1997, Nov.). Metabolic Changes Induced by Peroral Oestrogen and Transdermal Oestrogen Gel Therapy. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 104 Suppl 16, 38-43.
- Koh K., Mincemoyer R., Bui M., Csako G., et al. (1997, March). Effects of Hormone-Replacement Therapy on Fibrinolysis in Postmenopausal Women. N Engl J Med, 336(10), 683-90.
- Lee R. (1990, July). Osteoporosis Reversal: The Role of Progesterone. Int Clin Nut Rev, 10(3) 384-91.
- Lee J. (1990, Nov. 24). Osteoporosis Reversal with Transdermal Progesterone. Lancet, 336(8726), 1327.
- Lee W., Harder J., Yoshizumi M., Lee M., Haber E. (1997, Sept.). Progesterone Inhibits Arterial Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation. Nat Med, 3(9), 1005-08.
- Lemon H. (1973). Oestriol and Prevention of Breast Cancer. Lancet, 1(802), 546-47.
- Lemon H. (1976, Dec. 31). Clinical and Experimental Aspects of the Anti-Mammary Carcinogenic Activity of Estriol. Frontiers of Hormonal Research, 5, 155-73.
- Lemon H. (1975, May). Estriol Prevention of Mammary Carcinoma Induced by 7,12- Dimethylbenzanthracene and Procarbazine. Cancer Research, 35(5), 1341-53.
- Lemon H. (1980). Pathophysiologic Considerations in the Treatment of Menopausal Patients with Oestrogens; The Role of Oestriol in the Prevention of Mammary Carcinoma. Acta Endocrinol Suppl (Copenh), 233, 17-27.
- Lemon H., Wotiz H., Parsons L., Mozden P. (1966, June 27). Reduced Estriol Excretion in Patients with Breast Cancer Prior to Endocrine Therapy. JAMA, 196(13), 1128-36.
- Leonetti H., Longo S., Anasti J. (1999, Aug). Transdermal Progesterone Cream for Vasomotor Symptoms and Postmenopausal Bone Loss. Obstet Gynecol, 94(2), 225-28.
- Longcope C., Gorbach S., Goldin B., Woods M., et al. (1985, Dec.). The Metabolism of Estradiol; Oral Compared to Intravenous Administration. J Steroid Biochem, 23(6), 1065-70.
- Miyagawa K., Rosch J., Stanczyk F., Hermsmeyer K. (1997, March). Medroxyprogesterone Interferes with Ovarian Steroid Protection Against Coronary Vasospasm. Nat Med, 3(3), 324-27.
- Modena M., Molinari R., Muia Jr N., Castelli A., et al. (1999, Oct.). Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study of Transdermal Estrogen Replacement Therapy on Hypertensive Postmenopausal Women. Am J Hypertens, 12(10 Pt 1), 1000-08.
- No authors listed. (1999, Aug.). Women May Prefer Natural Progesterone Over Synthetic. Mayo Clinic Women’s Healthsource, 3(8), 3.
- O’Sullivan A., and Ho K. (2000). Route-Dependent Endocrine and Metabolic Effects of Estrogen Replacement Therapy. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab, 13 Suppl 6, 1457-66.
- Parsey K., Ellman H., Rahman M. (2012, Aug.). Randomised, Controlled Comparison of Transdermal Estradiol with Oral Conjugated Estrogens for the Relief of Hot Flushes. Clin Drug Invest, 20, 207-14.
- Prior J. (1990, May). Progesterone as a Bone-Trophic Hormone. Endocr Rev, 11(2), 386-98.
- Raz R., and Stamm W. (1993, Sept.). A Controlled Trial of Intravaginal Estriol in Postmenopausal Women with Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections. N Eng J Med, 329(11), 753-56.
- Rosano G., Webb C., Chierchia S., Morgani G., et al. (2000, December). Natural Progesterone, but not Medrosyprogesterone Acetate, Enhances the Beneficial Effect of Estrogen on Exercise-Induced Myocardial Ischemia in Postmenopausal Women. J Am Coll Cardiol, 36(7), 2154-59.
- Rylance P., Brincat M., Lafferty K., DeTrafford J., et al. (1985, Jan). Natural Progesterone and Antihypertensive Action. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed), 290(6461), 13-14.
- Scarabin P., Alhenc-Gelas M., Plu-Bureau G., Taisne P, et al. (1997, Nov.). Effects of Oral and Transdermal Estrogen/Progesterone Regimens on Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 17(11), 3071-08.
- Simunic V., Banovic I., Ciglar S., Jeren L, et al. (2003, Aug.). Local Estrogen Treatment in Patients with Urogenital Symptoms. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 82(2), 187-97.
- Takahashi K., Manabe A., Okada M., Kurioka H., et al. (2000, Feb.). Efficacy and Safety of Oral Estriol for Managing Postmenopausal Symptoms. Maturitas, 34(2),169-77.
- The Writing Group for the PEPI Trial. (1995, Jan.). Effects of Estrogen or Estrogen/Progestin Regimens on Heart Disease Risk Factors in Postmenopausal Women. The PEPI trial. JAMA, 273(3), 199-208.
- Wagner J. ( 2000 March). Rational for Bio-Identical HRT in Atherosclerosis Prevention. J Reprod Med, 45(3Suppl), 245-58.
- Yang T., Tsan S., Chang S., Ng H. (1995, May). Efficacy and Safety of Estriol Replacement Therapy for Climacteric Women. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei), 55(5), 386-91.
- Al-Lami R., Urban R., Volpi E., Algburi A., et al. (2020). Sex Hormones and Novel Corona Virus Infectious Disease (COVID-19), Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
- Ayanian S., Reyes J., Lynn L., Teufel K. (2020, July 17). The Association Between Biomarkers and Clinical Outcomes in Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in a US Cohort. Biomarkers in Medicine, 14(12), doi:10.2217/bmm-2020-0309
- Bhatia A., Kaur Sekhon H., Kaur G., et al. (2014, November 17). Sex Hormones and Immune Dimorphism. The Scientific World Journal, 2014
- Business Insider India (2020, August 28). Female Sex Hormone May Reduce COVID-19 Severity in Women: Study. Retrieved December 10, 2020 from
- Channappanavar R., Fett C., Mack M., Ten Eyck P., et al. (2017, May 15). Sex-Based Differences in Susceptibility to SARS-CoV Infection. J Immunol, 198(10), 4046-53.
- Cutolo M., Sulli A., Capellino S., et al. (2004). Sex Hormones Influence on the Immune System: Basic and Clinical Aspects of Autoimmunity. Lupus, 13(9), 635-38.
- Di Stadio A. (2020). Letter to the editor: Gender Differences in COVID-19 Infection. The Estrogen Effect on Upper and Lower Airways. Can it Help to Figure Out a Treatment? Eur Rev Med Pharmacy Sci, 24, 5195-96.
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- George Washington University. (2020, August 6). Blood Test May Point to Patients at Higher Risk for COVID-19 Deterioration, Death. Science Daily,
- Grandi G., Facchinetti F., Bitzer J. (2020, May 29). The Gendered Impact of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Do Estrogens Play a Role? Eur J Contracep Repr. 25(3), 233-34.
- Hall O., Limjunyawong N., Vermillion M., Robinson D., et al. (2016, September 15). Progesterone-Based Therapy Protects Against Influenza by Promoting Lung Repair and Recovery in Females. PLoS Pathlog, 12(9), e1005840.
- Imperial College London. (2020, June 18). High Cortisol Levels Associated with Greater Risk of Death from COVID-19. Retrieved June 25, 2020 from
- Khan D., and Ahmed S. (2016, January 6). The Immune System is a Natural Target for Estrogen Action: Opposing Effects of Estrogen in Two Prototypical Autoimmune Diseases. Front Immunol, 6, 635.
- Khorram O., Vu L., Yen S. (1997, January). Activation of Immune Function by Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in Age-Advanced Men. Clinical Trial, 52(1), M1-7.
- Kupferschmidt K. (2020, June 16). A Cheap Steroid is the First Drug Shown to Reduce Death in COVID-19 Patients. Science Magazine, Retrieved March 10, 2021 from
- McGill University. (2020, December 3). What Makes Certain Groups More Vulnerable to COVID-19? Researchers Look to Animals to Find Clues in Proteins Involved in Infection. ScienceDaily, Retrieved December 17, 2020 from
- Miller A., and Raison C. (2008). Immune System Contributions to the Pathophysiology of Depression. Jour Am Psych Assoc, 6, 36-45.
- Mohammad I., Starskaia I., Nagy T., Guo J., et al. (2018). Estrogen Receptor α Contributes to T Cell-Mediated Autoimmune Inflammation by Promoting T Cell Activation and Proliferation. Science Signaling, 11(526), eaap9415
- Patch R., Searle L., Kim A., et al. (2011, February). Identification of Diaryl Ether-Based Ligands for Estrogen-Related Receptor α as Potential Antidiabetic Agents. J Med Chem, 54(3), 788-808.
- Panigraphy D., Gilligan M., Huang S., Gartung A., et al. (2020, May 8). Inflammation Resolution: A Duel-Prolonged Approach to Averting Cytokine Storms in COVID-19? Cancer and Metastasis Reviews, 39, 337-340.
- Pozzilli, P., and Lenzi A. (2020, July). Commentary: Testosterone, a Key Hormone in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic. Metabolism, 108: 154252.
- Rabin, R.C. (2020, May 7). Can Estrogen and Other Sex Hormones Help Men Survive COVID-19? New York Times, Retrieved March 10, 2021 from
- Ramagnani S. (1991). Type 1 T Helper and Type 2 T Helper Cells: Functions, Regulation and Role in Protection and Disease. Int J Clin Lab Res, 21(2), 152-58.
- Schaffer R. (2020, May 7). Study Examines Progesterone to Reduce Inflammation in COVID-19. Endocrine Today, Retreived March 10, 2021 from
- Seeland U., Coluzzi F., Simmaco M., Mura C., et al. (2020, November 25). Evidence for Treatment with Estradiol for Women with SARS-Co-V-2 Infection. BMC Medicine, 18, 369.
- Taneja V. (2018). Sex Hormones Determine Immune Response. Front Immunol, 9, 1931.
- Tenover J. (1992). Effects of Testosterone Supplementation in the Aging Male. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 1092-98.
- Tuku B., Stanelle-Betram S., Sellau J., Beck S., et al. (2020, April 22). Testosterone Protects Against Severe Influenza by Reducing the Pro-Inflammatory Cytosine Response in the Murine Lung. Front Immunol, 11, 697. doi:/10.3389/fimmu.2020.00697
- University of Minnesota. (2020, May 12). A New Approach to Averting Inflammation Caused by COVID-19. Retrieved June 25, 2020 from
- Urban R., Volpi E., Algburi A., Baillargeon J. (2020, June 9). Estrogen and Testosterone Therapies May Decrease Severity of COVID-19. Retrieved March 10, 2021 from
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- Wainwright S., Lieblich S., Galea L. (2011, October). Hypogonadism Predisposes Males to the Development of Behavioural and Neuroplastic Depressive Phenotypes. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 36(9), 1327-41.
- Zaiss D., Gause W., Osborne L, Artis D. (2015, February 17). Emerging Functions of Amphiregulin in Orchestrating Immunity, Inflammation and Tissue Repair. Immunity, 42(2), 216-26.

You deserve
We will not compromise
O’Brien Pharmacy cannot bill insurance directly, but we are happy to provide you with a claim form to help with reimbursement.
Every prescription is made by a pharmacist using the best drugs, formulas, techniques, and equipment available. We are PCAB-accredited pharmacy for all levels of compounding, VPP, and multi-state inspected.
Helping you seek reimbursement rather than submitting ourselves means we can continue to provide the highest level of quality, safety, accuracy, and service.
If you have questions about insurance or reimbursement, please don’t hesitate to call.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, and is not intended to make assumptions about the prescribing practice of the physician. It is for reference purposes only, and may help facilitate a doctor/patient relationship.
Family Practice /
Internal Medicine
Brenda Almaguer
10540 Marty St, Suite 100
Overland Park, KS 66212
Suzanne Alt
201 W. Broadway
Columbia, MO 65203
Arden Andersen – Healing Arts Center
15545 W. 87th St.
Lenexa, KS 66219
Phone: 913-894-4428
Fax: 913-894-4427
Dr. Hal Blatman – Blatman Health and Wellness Center
(NYC): 844-282-8900
(Cincinnati): 513-956-3200
Patty DiBlasio
20398 Blauer Dr.
Saratoga, CA 95070
Stany D’Silva
8800 State Line Rd
Leawood, KS 66206
Jeff Etemad
55 Professional Center Pkwy, Suite D
San Rafael, CA 94903
Mark Gillette
11725 W. 112th St
Overland Park, KS 66210
Daphne Goldberg
18 Haverford Station Rd
Haverford, PA 19041
Anthony Gunn
104 N. 7 Hwy, Suite B
Blue Springs, MO 64014
Kristann Heinz
7137 Old Easton Rd
Pipersville, PA 18947
Staci Jordon
11725 W. 112th St
Overland Park, KS 66210
Lucia Moreno
1420 S. 42nd St
Kansas City, KS 66106
Carrie Mousseau
895 Sherwood Ave
Suite 100
Los Altos, CA 94022
Fax: 877-293-3928
David Nebbeling
3918 W. St. Joe Hwy
Lansing, MI 48917
Gay Purcell
1325 S. Noland Rd
Independence, MO 64055
Jyothi Rao
2702 Back Acre Cr.
Mount Airy, MD 21771
Ann Riggs
1306c Platte Falls Rd
Platte City, MO 64079
Suzanne Rowden
1808 McGee St
Kansas City, MO 64108
Mark Sherfey
4355 Hanging Limb Hwy
Monterey, TN 38574
Rhonda Simons
4240 Blue Ridge Blvd, Suite 611
Kansas City, MO64133
Kevin Stuever
4525 W. 6th St, Suite 100
Lawrence, KS 66049
Melanie Yunger, NP-C
12022 Blue Valley Parkway
Overland Park, KS 66213
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Erick Arroyo
12200 W. 106th St, Suite 230
Overland Park, KS 66215
Ashley Cobb
908 S. Hebron Ave
Evansville, IN 47714
Damon Cobb
15706 Pomerado Rd, Suite 110
Poway, CA 92064
Edmond Feuille
551 N. Hillside
Wichita, KS 67226
Carrie Grounds
5525 W. 119th St, Suite 200
Overland Park, KS 66209
Melanie Martin
7440 W. Frontage Rd
Merriam, KS 66203
Julie Moore
4400 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64111
Carla Pearman
6675 Holmes
Kansas City, MO 64131
Angela Spell
2790 Clay Edwards Dr
North Kansas City, MO 64116
Kathleen Stone
10550 Quivira
Overland Park, KS 66215
Cynthia Wallace
2000 SE Blue Pkwy
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
Wendy Warner
940 Town Center Dr, Suite F90
Langhorn, PA 19047
Reagan Witteck
9119 W. 74th St, Suite 300
Merriam, KS 66204
Erika Hunter
6730 W. 121st St
Overland Park, KS 66209
Fulk Chiropractic
2110 E. Santa Fe St
Olathe, KS 66062
Root Cause
1000 S Ft Harrison Ave
Clearwater, FL 33756
Holly Fritch Kirby
11201 Nall Ave, Suite 100
Leawood, KS 66211
Simran Elder
9301 W. 74th St, Suite 100
Shawnee Mission, KS 66204
Larry Rosen
2000 SE Blue Pkwy, Suite 165
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
Prolo Therapy
Suzanne Alt
201 W. Broadway
Columbia, MO 65203
Arden Andersen – Healing Arts Center
15545 W. 87th St.
Lenexa, KS 66219
Phone: 913-894-4428
Fax: 913-894-4427
Dr. Hal Blatman – Blatman Health and Wellness Center
(NYC): 844-282-8900
(Cincinnati): 513-956-3200
Mental Health
Jude LaClaire
7700 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Suite 209
Overland Park, KS 66202
Martha Boyd – EMDR Certified
633 E. 63rd St, Suite 240
Kansas City, MO 64110
Lauren King Mason
8900 Indian Creek Pkwy, Suite 270
Overland Park, KS 66210
Physical Therapy
Modern Physical Therapy
335 NW Barry Rd
Kansas City, MO 64155
Michael Brown
7300 W. 110th St, Suite 700
Overland Park, KS 66210
Please call toll-free
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The O’Brien Pharmacy Difference
At O’Brien Pharmacy, we have but one passion: to serve our global community. We are dedicated to extraordinary and individualized patient care, providing innovative, well documented, and highest quality medication and holistic solutions for practitioners and patients alike. We promote optimal lifestyle and healing with clinical consultations and the art and science of compounding without compromise. It is with gratitude and our greatest pleasure that we accept our role as a trusted cornerstone in healthcare since 1962.
O’Brien Pharmacy is non-sterile and sterile PCAB accredited.
O’Brien Pharmacy is a FDA-inspected and FDA-compliant facility.

Contact Us
5453 W 61st Place
Mission, Kansas 66205
913-322-0002 (fax)