The Journal of The North American Menopause Society – Bio-Identical Meta-Analysis Study

Many of you know about and have heroically involved yourself in the campaign to ensure you have the right to choose compounded bio-identical hormones. We know the potential of of Big Pharma via the FDA outlawing your choice in hormone replacement has been a cause for despair. All of us at O’Brien Pharmacy completely understand how you feel – this isn’t just our livelihood, many of us also use bio-identical hormones. However, we have a little good news to share.

The FDA has made public their June meeting docket, and it appears the discussion of compounded bio-identical hormones has been postponed from this month’s meeting, but they are still on the list of substances to be considered for removal from compounding. So it is of utmost importance we keep spreading the word and contacting our representatives. Below you’ll find a PDF put together by the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding (A4PC) that can help you inform others.

 A4PC has also made available a study of many studies (a meta-analysis) that shows the very strong benefits of bio-identical hormones. It completely discredits the flawed NASEM report and should reinforce the safety and security of taking compounded BHRT for you personally.

We would like to reiterate it is because of your efforts to save our hormones from Big Pharma via the FDA that we are making some headway. We are so grateful to all of you who have taken on the role of a compounded bio-identical hormone advocate! Let’s keep it going.

With Gratitude, Lisa


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